Nominations and Development Committee

Nominations and Development Committee

September 6, 2023


  1. Approval of minutes
  2. MASILC Appointments report
  3. Discussion of officer elections at Annual Meeting
  4. Review of new nominees
    1. Kara Sittig, MCB ex-officio appointment
    2. Andrew Brown
    3. Christine Tosti
  5. Outreach
    1. Plan for outreach at 9/7 MRC Conference and 9/26 IL Conference
  6. Training
    1. SPIL Training at 9/13 meeting from Ann McDaniel
    2. Individualized training plans and scheduling future trainings

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To request or confirm communication access or other accommodations please contact or 508-620-7452 at least 2 weeks before the meeting.


meeting posted: 7/25/23 at 1:59 PM, last updated 8/30/23 at 2:52 pm

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