September 20, 2023
- Reportback on training at 9/13 SILC Annual meeting
- Gathering public input
- Reportback of SPIL postcards at MRC conference
- Next steps in public input
- Postcards at 9/26 SILC Conference
- Feedback on surveys for IL Directors and consumers? Goal to circulate in October
- Planning listening sessions in October- November
- Check in about SPIL Committee Chair
- Plan to check in on goals set in the FY 2021-2024 SPIL
- Time & date of next committee meeting
- Interest from SILC member in Monday or Friday meetings
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To request or confirm communication access or other accommodations please contact alevine@masilc.org or 508-620-7452 at least 2 weeks before the meeting.
Meeting posted 9/18/23 at 8:50 pm