IL Education Day 2024 was held in the Great Hall at the State House, March 25.
Download the flyer for IL Education Day
- Welcome: Steve Higgins (Independence Associates)
Brianna Zimmerman (STAVROS) - Senator Joe Comerford
- Joe Tringali memorial
- Estate Recovery and Spouses as Paid Caregivers
- Representative Mindy Domb
- Isaias Ruiz, PCA
- Senate President Karen Spilka
- Commissioner Toni Wolf, MA Rehabilitation Commission
- Nancy Garr-Colzie re: PCAs
- Representative Rob Consalvo (AHVP)
- Ewidji Vincent, youth with Easter Seals
- Senator Lydia Edwards

2024 Priorities
Summary of Priorities
- Support Independent Living Centers
- Accessible, affordable housing for people with disabilities
- Accessible, affordable transportation for people with disabilities
- Support the PCA program & workforce
- Align MA AAB regulations with the ADA
- Access to Assistive Technology and Durable Medical Equipment
- Access to healthcare
Detailed Budget Priorities
- Independent Living Centers Line Item 4120-0200 – $10 Million for 10 Independent Living Centers (increase of $2 million)
- Maintain Funding for Personal Care Attendants
- Increase the Alternative Housing Voucher Program funding (Line Item 7004-9030) to $30 million ($18.8m + Prior Appropriations continued) and incorporating H.1305 & S.884 into budget language.
- Increase Accessible Affordable Housing Grants (Line Item 7004-9031), which offer grants to create or rehabilitate units into accessible housing prioritized for AHVP voucher holders to $2.5 million.
- Increase MassAccess Registry funding (Line Item 4120-4001) to $300,000 to assist low-income people with disabilities to search for accessible housing.
Detailed Legislative Priorities
- Building a More Accessible Massachusetts – S.1553: An Act Building a More Accessible Massachusetts and H.2291: An Act expanding the availability of adaptable housing for people with disabilities and seniors. These bills align MA accessibility regulations with federal regulations.
- Estate Recovery – H.1168 and S.726: An Act protecting the homes of seniors and disabled people on MassHealth
- Spouses as Paid Caregivers – H.216 and S.67: An Act allowing spouses to serve as caregivers
- Support Regional Transit Authorities (RTA) – S.2277 and H.3272: An Act to increase regional transit accessibility in the Commonwealth
- Changes to the Affordable Homes Act – The Independent Living Network supports The Affordable Homes Act (H.4138) as an opportunity to help alleviate the state’s housing crisis